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World of Bubblegum

The action of 'Bubblegum' takes place in the modern times Sydney, Australia in an alternative universe where animans (higher evolved mammals) and humans live together in harmony.



Animans consist only of mammals, as they evolved  and reached the level of humans.

Some of the animen are more feral - various sizes, digitigrade feet, feral paws and more animal features. Some - whose ancestors chose to have offspring with humans - have evolved more humanlike features - flat muzzles, plantigrade feet, human hands and nails etc.





Age: 20

Birthday: 24th July

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 156 cm

Voice: Ericka Lindbeck



A naive young girl, lost far from home. She seems to bounce between jobs struggling to settle into anything consistent and making ends meet. The rock in her life is Fran, her childhood friend and the girl she ran away with. 


Rarely found without her sketchbook, Rey can often be seen drawing all sorts of fauna with roses being a favourite subject. Aspiring to a career in art she faces constant setbacks and hurdles and often resorts to whiskey, usually drinking with friends but also alone at home, becoming increasingly dependent.



Fenek fox

Age: 20

Birthday: 3rd July

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 160 cm

Voice: Moon Zappa


Fran’s ears live up to their size with the girl seemingly in the know about anything and everything. Always happy to listen with a smile, she’s easy to talk to, the practiced grace of a professional flirt. Rarely caught at it recreationally however, she puts her well groomed countenance to use to get whatever she finds herself wanting for.


Despite what this suggest, Fran is taken by “Daddy,” who is conspicuously discreet about their trysts. Instead she is most often seen attached to her childhood companion Rey, having run to the other side of the world with her. When she’s not working or spending time with Rey, she can be found with her nose in a book, managing “Daddy” and all the others who’ve slid into her DMs with barely a second thought.





Age: 51

Birthday: 9.09

Pronouns: he/him

Height: 220+ cm

Voice: Ron Perlman


Nero is a big cat who enjoys imposing his will on the world around him. With a business empire that stretches over Sydney, or at least all of Sydney the light doesn’t touch. Despite what one might think of those who wield power in the shadows, Nero has maintained a strict code while rising to where he is now. He has worked very hard for himself and always played fair. At least he makes sure he can tell himself he played fair, by his rules, that he writes. 


He may growl and glower, menace those around him and make free with his claws, but there is more than his code controling his impulses. He puts great value on those he holds dear, placing their good above even his own, or at least trying to. One thing is certain, joining him for a drink amidst his thick fog of cigar smoke is an irresistible invitation that will shape your life. 





Age: 35


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 187 cm


Ethan is Nero's bodyguard. He is something closest to a friend Nero has. Even though he is significantly smaller, he is the best bodyguard Nero could hope for, he watches out for him 24/7. Loyal and devoted.

Ehtan is a former MMA champion of his league, nobody knows why he ditched the sports altogether. Maybe he decided if he quits, he will never be beaten.

He tells weird jokes and makes comments, most of the people would just lift their brows to, and only Nero developed a liking to them.

Quiet most of his life, constantly chewing on something, prefferably a stick. Doesn't smoke, ever. He has emotions fully under control and has the best poker face in town. He spends most of his time online looking at his phone, scrolling. He enjoys amime and watches hentai.

Sexual preferences? Other than being stuck with Nero 24/7 he doesn't have much time to do anything other than watch porn online. He likes animated porn more than the real thing. 




Siamese cat

Age: 24

Birthday: 22.02

Zodiac: Pisces

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Height: 175 cm

Orientation: Heterosexual



Amelia is a sweet and optimistic young woman. She took the role of a mother figure after her real mother passed away. She will always put family first.
She loves golden jewelery and is slowly working on making a degree in law. She usually wears glasses when outside of work.


Oh, work. She works at a gentleman's club and she basically runs the place all by herself. Her employer is lucky to have her. In her free time she likes to read romantic novels, dressed in a turtleneck and drink a hot cup of jasmine tea. She meditates to keep her inner balance. She is in touch with her spiritual side.

She's vegan. But if you went throuhg the trouble of preparing a burger for her, she would eat it, to show aprretiation for your effort.
As far as kinks go, she's very vanilla, but she is an experienced woman.

She dreams of a knight in shiny armor.

Outside of her job she's actually shy and rather introverted.



Siamese cat

Age: 24

Birthday: 22.02
Zodiac: Pisces

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Height: 175 cm

Orientation: Heterosexual with exceptions



Deanna is the oldest twin and she takes it very seriously. She will never let anything happen to her little sister. She is agressive, protective and loyal. She works at the same club as Amelia, where she makes sure nobody causes any trouble to her darling sister.

She also is part of a garage band (metal) where she is a lead singer. She can shout, alright.

She does boxing, dropped out of school. In her free time she writes songs or dark poems about her darkest thoughts.

She dresses in loose shirts and stright jeans (ripped and old most likely). She's sort of a tomboy when it comes to her wardbore, but she does enjoy all sorts of goth jewelery.
As for kinks she's a switch, with bdsm fantasies.

She likes to dominate a men, bondage and restraint. She's mostly heterosexual, but she has a little thing going for her sister, that she can't quite put a finger on. She's just attracted to her innocence, I think.




Age: 19



Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Height: 155 cm

Orientation: ???



Lili is a passionate gamer. When in game she would swear tons, but in real life she is rather cute and innocent. She is an amazing hacker, but that's not common knowledge to people. She's your good family tech guy, fixing everything from micorwaves to phones. She's a little of a tinkerer. In her free time she likes trying her skills at robot construction. she might be soft and cute but she won't let you dominate her in any way. She will always hold the high ground, even if she's only 155cm tall. She's very organized.


Her sexual preference is unknown. Nobody ever saw her with a partner. She might be too pure for sex. She doesn't get sexual references or jokes. 




Snow Leopard

Age: 36

Birthday: 31.10

Zodiac: Scorpio

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Height: 183 cm

Orientation: Lesbian



Elsa is a businesswoman. She is calm and collected. She never let's emotions get in the way of achieving her goals. Only at home, when she takes off her business outfit she lets the steam go. She needs to make sure nobody is watching and only then she can become a classic snow leopard nibbling on her tail while watching a late night movie.
She does yoga in her free time. She enoying doing it alone mostly though. She values her privacy and enjoys hiking to the highest mountains where she can focus and clear her mind. Meditation is an important part of her day, everyday. She is very flexible, as a feline should.
She is a classy lady, she enjoys wearing full undergarments, such as pantyhoses, lace bras and corsets.
She is a switch with a dominant side.



Siamese cat

Age: 29


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 178 cm







Age: 29


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 178 cm







Age: 21


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 174 cm






Jared is best defined as tactless. He is the son of the mayor and he thinks he's gonna become a great politican himself. He is rather ignorant on most subjects and even though he can be an amusing addition to any party and knows where to get the best dope, he is not someone who would catch your attention for long. He knows a few jokes he likes to repeat and is generally the smarter sidekick for Nate.





Age: 22


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 177 cm




Nate is a kind soul with a decent sense of humor. He is however slightly too focused on himself and his achievements. Which aren't that many, really. Jared's company is not doing him any favors, as he kind of looks up to him and tries to imitate his tactless behavior. Who knows why?


He is the only son of one of the bigger architects in Australia. He works as a beginner stock broker, thanks to some of his father's connections.

He likes shiny things, watches and sporty cars. His taste however isn't too great.


Handsome, but boring. Probably wouldn't last too long in bed.


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